Steve's Real Food freeze-dried raw cat food in white fish is made with sustainably sourced, wild-caught fish to give your feline companion the best possible nutrition. Our Quest cat food white fish recipe contains a variety of essential nutrients that can help support your cat's health and well-being. White fish is an excellent source of protein, and our freeze-drying process preserves the natural protein content of the fish. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can support your cat's immune system, coat, and skin health. Additionally, whitefish is a low-fat protein source, making it an excellent choice for cats who need to maintain a healthy weight. Quest Cat Food is a Prey model diet consisting of 95% meat, bone, organ, and 5% superfoods such as New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel and raw goat milk. Steve’s Real Food white fish recipe is formulated to exceed the nutritional levels established by AAFCO Cat Food Nutrient Profiles for All Life Stages.