COVID-19 Response & Updates

Queenie’s Petsalways maintains the highest standards of health, safety and comfort of the pets in our care. In this challenging time of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we will be taking extra precautions as follows:

  • Caregivers will wear masks while inside clients’ homes
  • Caregivers will wash their hands before and after each visit
  • (Optional) If requested by the client, caregivers will wipe down your dog with an Earthbath grooming wipes upon returning to your house - these wipes can be purchased at cost at the Queenie’s store and clients should keep them near the door
  • Any caregiver exhibiting signs of illness will be asked to stay home

Additionally, in accordance with social distancing practices, we request the following, whenever possible:

  • Have your dog ready for us upon arrival for the visit 
  • For dogs that are crated during the day, have the crate as close to the door as possible
  • We recommend that clients designate a leash/harness to be used specifically by Queenie’s caregivers. Extra leashes may also be purchased through our online store

Our usual cancellation policies will remain in place in order to allow for proper scheduling and staggering of our staff and to remain a viable and strong contribution to our community. It is our hope that all of the special practices put into place now will keep everyone healthy and safe while still providing an important - and often essential - service to you, our loyal and beloved clients.

 Click HERE  for helpful information about pets and the Coronavirus